الاثنين، 8 أكتوبر 2007

عرض كتاب (قضايا نسائية معاصرة) تأليف المستشار / توفيق على وهبه

[ا-كتاب يفند أكاذيب المستشرقينBook refutation of the lies of the Orientalists

Cairo : the West tries to take women spearhead attack Islam by attempting mistaking and fabricate lies about Islam placed in to the extent that it is about fairness to the injustice and this is what made Islamic thinker Counsel Toufiq Ali Wehbe director of the Arab Center for Studies traditional values in writing to the formation of "Women in Islam .. Feminist issues contemporaneous The position of Islam "and address the many vital issues raised on the ground.

The author documents the reality of women in contemporary societies Document No. "1" refers to discrimination against women is contained in the statistics of the Equal Employment Opportunity American men occupy two thirds of the functions of the officials and managers in the security companies and they represent more than 70% of the workers in the investment bank and the work of trade and speculation on the bourse, women still occupy most of the posts modest sales, such as assistant or so. The document number "2" to the four million American have been beaten by their husbands in 1998, according to a statement by the Ministry of Justice. The Federal Bureau of Investigation estimates that one-third of women victims of murders died at the hands of their husbands or boyfriends than men.
While estimates indicate that more than 28% of the murders in 2003, Virginia had edges of the life partners.
In a recent study found that 40% of American women are physically abused by their husbands or boyfriends than soliciting for depression and weakened health.
While the document refers No. "3" to the rape of 56 thousand American each month in sexual freedoms in the country every minute in the United States of America there are 2.3 cases of rape of adult women and 78 women are raped every hour, so every day there is a woman raped in 1871 in the United States or the equivalent of 56916 women per month.
It was found that the rate of sexual harassment in America is the highest among the industrially developed nations in the world in 1999 exceeded the number of rape cases in Latin 100.000 situation and the rising rate of rape four times compared with other crimes in the last ten years.
.The document No. "4" refer according to the American sources indicated that there are about one million American teenage girls become pregnant each year outside of marriage and that about 300 thousand are under the age of fifteen or 400 thousand of them offering to abortion.
Studies also indicate that 50% of males who were screened and they had sex.
Other studies also indicate that a million and a half million women and girls in lesbianism.
While reviewing the document No. "5" certificate Swedish judge mandated the United Nations to visit the country to study the problems of Western women and their Western social and legal says : "The Swedish women suddenly discovered that she bought and are meant tremendous freedom that have been alleged priceless alarming is the real happiness and therefore receive the world of women's rights in 1975 polite disinterest and souls to the stability of family life balanced sexually, emotionally and psychologically. The document uncovered No. "6" as experienced by women and female children in the world have revealed a scientific study is the first of its kind on the psychological conditions suffered by the children who are sexually exploited in armed conflicts.
It explained that these children are subjected to beatings, sexual assaults and forced to kill their fellow children.

The study pointed out that this reflects on the exploitation of children in the form of nightmares and insensitivity in the sense of turmoil and suffering from extreme sensitivity.
On the other hand, the higher the status of women and Islam generosity and restored the rights of men as partners in life and has stated that God in the writing of men and women in many places in the speech where the assignment of the two together by saying : "O mankind We have created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other's application," says by the Almighty : "are good for you and you are good to them."

Allah says : "Yemeni women to men."
The author reviewed the issue of inheritance, and the reasons for the increase above the legacy of the female stated that the responsibility for men is much broader than the physical responsibility of women to be responsible for spending on his family
.The expense of relatives and the duty of men without women .
Women become a wife and her husband is in charge of religiously spending and before her marriage assigned male relatives as legitimate spending by ordering them if they do not have money and ratified God : "Men shall have a share in what their parents and kinsmen and women shall have a share in what their parents and kinsmen than or much less than their share."
"Women : 7."
Women take half the men and keep for itself and does not fall in her husband's property and they were financially particular.
As in the West, whatever its share of the inheritance bequeathed it to her husband after marriage and had no financial disclosure separate from her husband.
The author of doubters in theory aired veil of Quranic verses such as the Quranic verse : "O Prophet of Say Azoajk and Benatk and women believers Ednin them from Jalabibhn lowest knew that it was abused and forgiving compassionate God," "the parties : 59."
The evidence veil in the Sunnah of the Prophet cleared in the words of the Prophet of God "such as Aleravlh in the students - people like in the bleak light of the Day of Judgment is not it."
Studies have shown, scientific research revealed that modern women presents some parts of the body parts, whose incidence of cancer spreading significantly between wearing short of the fetus affects if the woman is pregnant.
.One of the issues reviewed by the author used the issue of surrogate mother in the case of whether women were unfit for the rental shall be carrying another woman to bear by the egg inoculated or donate them on behalf of the pregnancy or the implantation of an egg with the somatic cell cloning as in the cases of women may have problems in the production do not produce eggs or eggs fertilized originally Vchtri of another woman or give them some eggs to be impregnated husband's sperm in the case of artificial insemination or somatic cell implantation in the case of cloning.
.The intervention egg in a woman's uterus or in the womb of another woman ..All these cases are not approved by Shara taboo for mixing lineage and the presence of children of unknown parentage, leading to the demise of family identity and the loss of legitimate and legal.
And the artificial insemination and IVF and its artificial insemination is taking sperm from the husband and wife entered into the womb or the sperm and ovum of a wife and vaccinate sperm and then introduced into the uterus and these cases need to be there might be reasons to prevent the arrival of sperm to the uterus, which calls for artificial insemination, but there are some cases many of the vaccination outside marital relations cases, which are all prohibited.
.In a judgment IVF pointed out that the need of a married woman who does not need her husband's shoulder, the child is considered legitimate purpose entitles addressed manner permissible methods of artificial insemination.
.The way taken by the male sperm of a man married and then injected into the womb of his wife is the same method is religiously permissible and after proving that the need for women to have this process for the pregnancy.
The author recalls that the complex jurisprudence of the Association of the Islamic world keen to religion are advised not to resort to the exercise except in the case of absolute necessity and the utmost reserve and caution of the mixing Allowed.
Banks embryos
.There are cases and cases of sterility satisfactory to some men and some women make it difficult for them to pregnancy and childbirth and pregnancy dropped from them and men are unable to deliver Ntafth to his wife that established banks to help people like those on pregnancy and childbirth, these banks are divided into two types : banks of the banks of me and embryos.
.Opinion is divided about the work of a doctrinal these banks directions : first denied these banks use fear to me, which is men and women ovum, especially as banks as the previous mixes everything, and there is no reason to freeze the illegal embryos, semen or her from continuing to grow.
.The second allows work conditions if the couple to the production of Jenin, in the custody of the bank in case of an excuse or objection to the illness of a spouse.
.In this case, the kindergarten is the proper place for the in vitro as well as to make sure that the mixing of sperm or eggs.
The banks have frozen embryos began in .1976
.There is a judicial opinion and dissenting opinion in favor of the opposition rejects and denies deal with fear of intermixing lineage of what is happening at the banks of mixing fluids semen, eggs and vaccinate and conservation without identifying the owners, which is affiliated to prevent Islam prohibits adultery.
The opinion was in favor conditions to ensure that the mixing of rights that have dealt with these banks in the treatment of infertility
.To be dealt with the manner in which the organization uses men appointed to his wife during their marriage are legitimate .
To be sure of keeping spermatozoa in conditions that do not allow them to mix with other materials sperm confirmed the destruction of what remains of the animals unchanged.
.During his talk about women's issues contemporary composer touched on the issue of transport and agriculture in spite of uteri that some of the approved transfer of organs from scientists and scholars and collections doctrinal prevented the transfer and cultivation of genital men and women so as not leading to the mixing of lineage.

المصدر / موقع الاتحاد الاسلامى الكردستانى

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